2,431 research outputs found

    Strategic Planning for University-Based Executive Education Programs: Success Factors and Design Alternatives

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    There appears to be a growing interest among B-schools in providing continuing management education. The trend toward meeting demands of changing business and learning environments – and responding to the obsolescence of various management disciplines -- has encouraged growth in non-degree, professional development programs. Some of these programs are generic in nature, while others are more specialized, depending on the perceived strengths and interests of the schools and the areas faculty choose to emphasize

    Infrared spectroscopy of phytochrome and model pigments

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    Fourier-transform infrared difference spectra between the red-absorbing and far-red-absorbing forms of oat phytochrome have been measured in H2O and 2H2O. The difference spectra are compared with infrared spectra of model compounds, i.e. the (5Z,10Z,15Z)- and (5Z,10Z,15E)-isomers of 2,3,7,8,12,13,17,18-octaethyl-bilindion (Et8-bilindion), 2,3-dihydro-2,3,7,8,12,13,17,18-octaethyl-bilindion (H2Et8-bilindion), and protonated H2Et8-bilindion in various solvents. The spectra of the model compounds show that only for the protonated forms can clear differences between the two isomers be detected. Since considerable differences are present between the spectra of Et8-bilindion and H2Et8-bilindion, it is concluded that only the latter compound can serve as a model system of phytochrome. The 2H2O effect on the difference spectrum of phytochrome supports the view that the chromophore in red-absorbing phytochrome is protonated and suggests, in addition, that it is also protonated in far-red-absorbing phytochrome. The spectra show that protonated carboxyl groups are influenced. The small amplitudes in the difference spectra exclude major changes of protein secondary structure

    Measurement of Forward Jets Produced in High-Transverse-Momentum Hadron-Proton Collisions

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    A measurement of charged-particle production is reported for the forward region in events triggered by high-transverse-momentum (p⊥) jets and single particles. The momentum distributions of forward-going particles are observed to scale in a simple p⊥-dependent longitudinal variable. Forward-going (beam) jets are observed to be tilted away from the original direction by an amount which agrees with muon-pair data when interpreted in a parton (quantum-chromodynamics) model

    Pebble and Rock Band: Heuristic Resolution of Repeats and Scaffolding in the Velvet Short-Read de Novo Assembler

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    BACKGROUND: Despite the short length of their reads, micro-read sequencing technologies have shown their usefulness for de novo sequencing. However, especially in eukaryotic genomes, complex repeat patterns are an obstacle to large assemblies. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We present a novel heuristic algorithm, Pebble, which uses paired-end read information to resolve repeats and scaffold contigs to produce large-scale assemblies. In simulations, we can achieve weighted median scaffold lengths (N50) of above 1 Mbp in Bacteria and above 100 kbp in more complex organisms. Using real datasets we obtained a 96 kbp N50 in Pseudomonas syringae and a unique 147 kbp scaffold of a ferret BAC clone. We also present an efficient algorithm called Rock Band for the resolution of repeats in the case of mixed length assemblies, where different sequencing platforms are combined to obtain a cost-effective assembly. CONCLUSIONS: These algorithms extend the utility of short read only assemblies into large complex genomes. They have been implemented and made available within the open-source Velvet short-read de novo assembler

    Jets Produced in π^-, π^+, and Proton Interactions at 200 GeV on Hydrogen and Aluminum Targets

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    This paper presents results from an experiment on the production of jets (groups of particles) with high p_⊥ produced in 200-GeV/c interactions. Results are presented on the comparison of jet cross sections on aluminum and hydrogen targets. The jet fragmentation distributions are also examined. Both the cross section and the jet structure are found to depend strongly on the beam and target types

    Observation of the Production of Jets of Particles at High Transverse Momentum and Comparison with Inclusive Single-Particle Reactions

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    Data are presented on production by 200-GeV/c hadrons incident on beryllium of both single particles and jets (groups of particles) with high p_T (transverse momentum). The experiment was performed in a wide-aperture multiparticle spectrometer at Fermilab. The jet and single-particle cross sections have a similar shape from p_T=3 to 5 GeV/c but the jet cross section is over two orders of magnitude larger. The distributions of charged-particle momenta show striking similarities to those observed in lepton-induced processes

    Experimental Tests of Quantum Chromodynamics in High-p_⊥ Jet Production in 200-GeV/c Hadron-Proton Collisions

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    Data on inclusive jet production in the transverse-momentum (p_⊥) range 0-8 GeV/c for 200-GeV/c p, π^-, π^+, K^-, K^+, and p incident on a hydrogen target are presented. The jet cross section is fully corrected for losses and biases, and compared with the predictions of a model based on quantum chromodynamics. Both the absolute cross section and the inclusive charged-particle distributions inside and outside the jet are in qualitative agreement with the model

    Stereoscopic three-dimensional visualization applied to multimodal brain images: Clinical applications and a functional connectivity atlas

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    Effective visualization is central to the exploration and comprehension of brain imaging data. While MRI data are acquired in three-dimensional space, the methods for visualizing such data have rarely taken advantage of three-dimensional stereoscopic technologies. We present here results of stereoscopic visualization of clinical data, as well as an atlas of whole-brain functional connectivity. In comparison with traditional 3D rendering techniques, we demonstrate the utility of stereoscopic visualizations to provide an intuitive description of the exact location and the relative sizes of various brain landmarks, structures and lesions. In the case of resting state fMRI, stereoscopic 3D visualization facilitated comprehension of the anatomical position of complex large-scale functional connectivity patterns. Overall, stereoscopic visualization improves the intuitive visual comprehension of image contents, and brings increased dimensionality to visualization of traditional MRI data, as well as patterns of functional connectivity

    The imaginary ‘asian super consumer’ : a critique of demand reduction campaigns for the illegal wildlife trade

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    There is increasing focus on altering consumer behavior within the conservation sector working to combat illegal wildlife trade (IWT). In this review we highlight how demand reduction campaigns can build on and reproduce problematic stereotypes that create and perpetuate a figure we characterize as the “Asian Super Consumer.” While there are numerous studies critiquing disturbing and racist narratives of particular actors engaged in the supply-side of IWT, the problematic ways in which racism can steer debates characterizing illegal wildlife product consumers remains generally under-explored. We focus on key examples of ivory demand reduction campaigns in China. We argue for more culturally-sensitive understandings of illegal wildlife product consumers and their motivations. Culturally-nuanced approaches in demand reduction campaigns are essential not just because they may be more effective, but because they move beyond on-going violent histories of cultural misrepresentation and racism